高级英语no_signposts_in_the_sea翻译 -百姓标王





In the dining-saloon I sit at a table with three other men; Laura sits some way oft with a married couple and their daughter. I can observe her without her knowing, and this gives me pleasure, for it is as in a moving picture that I can note the grace of her gestures, whether she raises a glass of wine to her lips or turns with a remark to one of her neighbours or takes a cigarette from her case with those slender fingers. I have never had much of an eye for noticing the clothes of women, but I get the impression that Laura is always in grey and white by day, looking cool when other people are flushed and shiny in the tropical heat; in the evening she wears soft rich colours, dark red, olive green, midnight blue, always of the most supple flowing texture. I ventured to say something of the kind to her, when she laughed at my clumsy compliment and said I had better take to writing fashion articles instead of political leaders.在餐厅里,我同另外三个男人围坐在一张桌子旁,而劳拉同一对夫妇及他们的女儿一块儿坐在离我不远的地方。

No Signposts In The Sea

No Signposts In The Sea
▪ She was war widow, she moved in the same social circles as him, and he had come to care about very deeply. He had not – and would not – speak to her, or to anyone else, about his feelings, or about his illness. He simply wanted to spend as much of the time that he had left as he could in her company.
From Sackville-West to Woolf
Milan [posted in Trieste] Thursday, January 21, 1926 I am reduced to a thing that wants Virginia. I composed a beautiful letter to you in the sleepless nightmare hours of the night, and it has all gone: I just miss you, in a quite simple desperate human way. You, with all your un-dumb letters, would never write so elementary phrase as that; perhaps you wouldn’t even feel it. And yet I believe you’ll be sensible of a little gap. But you’d clothe it in so exquisite a phrase that it would lose a little of its reality. Whereas with me it is quite stark: I miss you even more than I could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal. So this letter is just really a squeal of pain. It is incredible how essential to me you have become. I suppose you are accustomed to people saying these things. Damn you, spoilt creature; I shan’t make you love me any the more by giving myself away like this—But

No Signposts in the Sea

No Signposts in the Sea

deferential… 译文1:上校是不太讨人厌的帝国官员。有时他试 图和我谈谈公众事务。他说他拜读过我写的东西,对 我个人显得十分顺从和尊重。 评析: ①副词offensively用作修饰附加词语(adjunct)是 修饰整个句子的,表示说话人对所说的这句话的态度, 这是说话的重心所在,它并不是Empire-builder的定语。 因此译成“不太讨人厌的帝国官员”不合适。为了符 合末尾信息焦点的要求,用移位技巧,把词组not too offensively后置,译成“上校是英帝国驻殖民地的军官, 还不太讨人厌”。这句话的言外之音是:说话人认为 英帝国驻殖地的军官一般是令人讨厌的,不过这位年 青人还不太讨人厌。 ②译文1把词组charmingly deferential 译成:“顺从 和 尊 重 ” 。 但 charmingly 是 “ 媚 人 的 , 可 爱 的 ” (delightful

评析: ①译文1机械地按英文次序译下去,在名词“衣服” 的前面竟堆砌了包括长达25个字的“的字”结构定语。 就是这样还漏译了always, most 和 flowing三词的翻译。

②实际上,原文是有层次的。原文用colours代替衣服,用 的是借代(metonymy)修辞格。实际上,soft和rich都是修饰 colours的,更准确地说soft是修饰rich colors的, rich 是浓艳(deep intense, bright)的意思,soft是柔和(not intense, bright)的意思。 这在修辞上叫做矛盾修辞法(oxymoron),作者用两个相反的 概念,恰如其分地描绘劳娜穿着艳而不俗,色彩鲜明不刺眼的 情形。Soft rich colours这个词组,信息焦点(或强调中心)在 soft, 根 据 末 尾 信 息 焦 点 ( end-focus ) 的 要 求 译 文 应 用 移 位 (inversion)技巧把次序整个来个大颠倒:soft rich colours变成 “色彩浓艳柔和”。这在修辞层就等值了。



EXERCISES 15Ⅻ.Translate the following into English(using the following words or expressions: to have an eye for, to recede,to relieve a touch of, to read sb, to venture, to take to, if not…,to the exclusion of,to pile up,to beguile with):1)他对水彩画很有鉴赏能力。

He has a good eye for water-colours.2)女儿大胆地表示不同意父母对她婚事的安排。

The daughter ventured to object to her parents's arrangement of her marriage.3)由于贫困的逼迫,他开始进行偷窃活动。

Pressed by poverty, he took to stealing.4)在旅途中,我看小说,以消磨时间。

My long journey was beguiled with novels.5)我想你一定读过马克?吐温的书。

I suppose you have read Mark Twain.6)他的全部注意力都集中在这个问题上,而不顾其他的问题。

He concentrated all his attention on this problem to the exclusion of all others.7)不立刻做出正确的决定将会使整个事情很困难,如果不是不可能的话。

Failure to make the right decision at once will make the whole thing very difficult if not impossible.8)问题堆积如山,我们必须尽快地解决。

高级英语第一册15课 No Signposts In The Sea

高级英语第一册15课  No Signposts In The Sea

After a tentative(尝试性的) start, they began a sexual relationship,
which, according to Sackville- West, was only twice consummated.
Woolf: Her relationship with Vita Sackville-West
• Lady Slane who, after her husband dies,
defies the wishes of her children and
grandchildren and retreats to a cottage
in the countryside, where she
rediscovers herself and her passions.
No Signposts in the Sea
By Vita Sackville-West
Group Member
• Materials:
金贵阳 熊媛媛 代青秀 李晓念 刘 忻 龚晓丽 代璐璐 孙 敏 毛亚停 钟 玮 田郸琦 蒲彦君 钟晓园 张婷君 肖 谧
• Exhibitors:
In 1913, at age 21, married the 27 year-old diplomat and journalist Harold George Nicolson.
The couple had an open marriage. Both Sackville-West and her husband had consecutive same-sex relations.



Hawthornden Prize
• The Hawthornden Prize, the oldest of the famous British literary prizes, was founded in 1919 by Alice Warrender. • It is awarded annually to an English writer for the best work of imaginative literature. It is especially designed to encourage young authors.

The first week at sea give Carr special experiences: the release from pressure, the lackadaisical (懒洋洋的, 感伤的) rhythms of ship life, the shifting panorama of magnificent skies and sea, passing shores and the infrequent ports-of-call, as well as his growing knowledge of Laura. Exhilarated by the distant vista of exotic islands never to be visited and his conversations with Laura, Edmund finds himself rethinking all his values.
• Her works
• After their marriage, they traveled widely when he was in foreign office. • At first she played her role as a dutiful wife, but then her husband admitted that he had a male lover. The marriage endured despite their homosexual affairs, but Harold's affairs were less passionate than Vita's. • They had two children, the art critic Benedict Nicholson and the publisher Nigel Nicholson.

高级英语(1)-unit13 No Signposts in the Sea

高级英语(1)-unit13 No Signposts in the Sea
Details The novel is written in the form of journal, narrated by Edmund Carr, 50, an eminent political columnist and a bachelor. He has recently discovered that he has only a short time to live. How shall he spend them?
• Her works
LOGO • After their marriage, they traveled widely when he was in foreign office. • At first she played her role as a dutiful wife, but then her husband admitted that he had a male lover. The marriage endured despite their homosexual affairs, but Harold's affairs were less passionate than Vita's. • They had two children, the art critic Benedict Nicholson and the publisher Nigel Nicholson.
About the author
Vita Sackville-West was viewed as one of the Britain's promising young writers in the 1920s. Best known novels: The Edwardians (1930) describes the development of the main character Sebastian within his social world . All Passion Spent (1931) Lady Slane who, after her husband dies,defies the wishes of her children and grandchildren and retreats to a cottage in the countryside, where she rediscovers herself and her passions.

《高级英语1(第3版)》学习资料 (15)

《高级英语1(第3版)》学习资料 (15)

o Signposts in the SeaIn the dining-saloon I sit at a table with three other men; Laura sits some way off with a married couple and their daughter. I can observe her without her knowing, and this gives me pleasure, for it is as in a moving picture that I can note the grace of her gestures, whether she raises a glass of wine to her lips or turns with a remark to one of her neighbours or takes a cigarette from her case with those slender fingers. I have never had much of an eye for noticing the clothes of women, but I get the impression that Laura is always in grey and white by day, looking cool when other people are flushed and shiny in the tropical heat; in the evening she wears soft rich colours, dark red, olive green, midnight blue, always of the most supple flowing texture. I ventured to say something of the kind to her, when she laughed at my clumsy compliment and said I had better take to writing fashion articles instead of political leaders.The tall Colonel whose name is Dalrymple seems a nice chap. He and I and Laura and a Chinese woman improbably galled Mme Merveille have made up a Bridge-tour and thus beguile ourselves for an hour or so after dinner while others dance on deck. The Colonel, who is not too offensively an Empire-builder, sometimes tries to talk to me about public affairs; he says he used to read me, and is rather charmingly deferential, prefacing his remarks by “Of course it’s not for me to suggest to you…” and then proceeding to tell me exactly how he thinks some topical item of our dome, the or foreign policy should be handled. He is by no means stupid or ill-informed; a little opinionated perhaps, and just about as far to the Right as anybody could go, but I like him, and try not to tease him by putting forward views which would only bring a puzzled look to his face. Besides, I do not want to become involved in discussion. I observe with amusement how totally the concerns of the world, which once absorbed me to the exclusion of all else except an occasional relaxation with poetry or music, have lost interest for me eve to the extent of a bored distaste. Doubtless some instinct impels me gluttonously to cram these the last weeks of my life with the gentler things I never had time for, releasing some suppressed inclination which in fact was always latent. Or maybe Laura’s unwitting influence has called it out.Dismissive as Pharisee, I regarded as moonlings all those whose life was lived on a less practical plane. Protests about damage to natural beauty froze me with contempt, for I believed in progress and could spare no regrets for a lake dammed into hydraulic use for the benefit of an industrial city in the Midlands. And so it was for all things. A hard materialism was my creed, accepted as a law of progress; any ascription of disinterested motives aroused not only my suspicion but my scorn.And now see how I stand, as sentimental and sensitive as any old maid doing water-colour s of sunsets! I once flattered myself that I was an adult man; I now perceive that I am gloriously and adolescently silly. A new Clovis, loving what I have despised, and suffering from calf-love into the bargain, I want my till of beauty before I go. Geographically I did not care and scarcely know where I am. There are no signposts in the sea.The young moon lies on her back tonight as is her habit in the tropics, and as, I think, is suitable if not seemly for a virgin. Not a star but might not shoot down and accept the invitation to become her lover. When all my fellow-passengers have finally dispersed to bed, I creep up again to the deserted deck and slip into the swimming pool and float, no longer what people believe me to be, a middle-aged journalist taking a holiday on an ocean-going liner, but a liberated being, bathed in mythological waters, an Endymion young and strong, with a god for his father and a vision of theworld inspired from Olympus. All weight is lifted from my limbs; 1 am one with the night; I understand the meaning of pantheism. How my friends would laugh if they knew I had come to this! To have discarded , as I believe, all usual frailties , to have become incapable of envy, ambition, malice , the desire to score off my neighbour, to enjoy this purification even as I enjoy the clean voluptuousness of the warm breeze on my skin and the cool support of the water. Thus, I imagine, must the pious feel cleansed on leaving the confessional after the solemnity of absolution.Sometimes Laura and I lean over the taffrail, and that is happiness. It may be by daylight, looking at the sea, rippled with little white ponies, or with no ripples at all but on-ly the lazy satin of blue, marbled at the edge where the passage of our ship has disturbed it. Or it may be at night, when the sky surely seems blacker than ever at home and the stars more golden. I recall a phrase from the diary of a half-literate soldier, “The stars seemed little cuts in the black cover, through which a bright beyond was seen.” Sometimes these untaught scribblers have a way of putting things.The wireless told us today that there is fog all over England.Sometimes we follow a coastline, it may be precipitous bluffs of grey limestone rising sheer out of the sea, or a low-lying arid stretch with miles of white sandy beach, and no sign of habitation, very bleached and barren. These coasts remind me of people; either they are forbidding and unapproachable , or else they present no mystery and show all they have to give at a glance, you feel the country would continue to be flat and featureless however far you penetrated inland. What I like best are the stern cliffs, with ranges of mountains soaring behind them, full of possibilities, peaks to be scaled only by the most daring. What plants of the high altitudes grow unravished among their crags and valleys? So do I let my imagination play over the recesses of Laura’s Character, so austere in the foreground but nurturing what treasures of tenderness, like delicate flowers, for the discovery of the venturesome.My fellow-passengers apparently do not share my admiration.“Drearee sorter cowst,” said an Australian. “Makes you Iong for a bit of green.”Darkness falls, and there is nothing but the intermittent g1eam of a 1iahthouse on a solitary promontory.We rounded just such a cape towards sunset, the most easterly point of a continent, dramatically high and lonely, a great purple mountain overhung by a great purple cloud. The sea had turned to a corresponding dusk of lavender. Aloof and on the top, the yellow 1iaht revolved, steady, warning; I wondered what mortal controlled it, in what must be one of the loneliest, most forbidding spots on Earth. Haunted too, for many wrecks had piled up on the reefs in the past, when there was no beacon to guide them.The Colonel joined us.“How would you care for that man’s job?” he said.“I suppose he gets relieved every so often?”“On the contrary, he refuses ever to leave. He is an Italian, and he has been there for years and years, with a native woman for his only company. Most people would think him crazy, but I must say I find it refreshing to think there are still a few odd fish left in the world.”This is the unexpected kind of remark that makes me like the Colonel; there is a touch of roughpoetry about him. I like also the out-of-the-way information which he imparts from time to time without insistence; he has traveled much, and has used his eyes and kept his ears open. I have discovered also that he knows quite a lot about sea-birds; he puts me right about the different sorts of gull, and tells me very nicely that that couldn’t possibly be an albatross, not in these waters. The albatross, it appears, follows a ship only to a certain latitude and then turns back; it knows how far it should go and no farther. How wise is the albatross! We might all take a lesson from him, knowing the latitude we can permit ourselves. Thus, and no farther, can I foIlow Laura. I suspect also that there is quite a lot of lore stored away in the Colonel’s otherwise not very interesting mind. Laura likes him too, and although I prefer having her to myself I don’t really resent it when he lounges up to make a third.In all this great serenity of ocean it is seldom that we espy so much as another ship; the jolly dolphins and the scratchy little flying-fish have the vast circle all to themselves; the Flying Fish, who has a part with the birds, doubtless are glad to see the last of the monster which bears us into and out of sight. Our wake closes up and we might never have been. But it does happen from time to “Time that an island appears on the horizon, nameless to us and full of mystery, the peak of a submarine mountain range, lonely, unblemished, remote. Does one like islands because one unconsciously appropriates them, a small manageable domain in a large unmanageable world? I cannot tell why it should give me such a queer sensation to reflect that that island has always been there (unless indeed it be no more than the work of the patient coral and will be there still, should I return to find it waiting for me. It is the same sensation as I have experienced in looking at a photograph of, say, some river valley of innermost China, and seen a boulder, and thought that if I could find myself transported to that spot I could touch the reality of that particular piece of rock ... It is there. For me. I could sit on that very boulder. I explain myself badly, and it is not a sensation I could expect anyone save Laura to understand, but of such incommunicable quirks is the private mind made up.Well, the islands. I divert myself by inventing the life upon them, and am amused to find my imagination always turning towards the idyllic. This is the new Edmund Carr with a vengeance. If we have seen a skiff sailing close in shore, I follow the fisherman as he beaches his craft in the little cove and gives a cry like a sea-bird to announce his coming. His woman meets him; they are young, and their skins of a golden-brown; she takes his catch from him. In their plaited hut there is nothing but health and love.One night we passed two islands, steeply humped against faint reflected moonlight; and on each of them, high up, shone a steady yellow gleam.“Not lighthouses.” I said to Laura. “Villages.”We gazed, as the ship slid by and the humps receded into darkness and even the lights were obscured by the shoulder of a hill, never to be seen by us again. So peaceful and secret; so self-contained.One of the ship’s officers joined us, off duty.“Yes,” he said, following our gaze. “‘One of them is a leper colony and the other a penal settlement.”God, is there no escape from suffering and sin?Laura and I amuse ourselves by watching for the green flash which comes at the instant the sundisappears below the line of the horizon. This does not happen every day, for sky must be entirely clear of cloud and clouds seem very liable to gather along the path of the setting sun, but we are as pleased as children when our game succeeds. Laura claps her hands. Only a second does it last, that streak of green light; we wait for it while the red ball, cut in half as though by a knife, sinks to its daily doom . Then come the twilight colours of sea and heaven (we have discovered the fallacy of saying that darkness falls suddenly in these latitudes, at any rate on sea level), the wine pink width of water merging into lawns of aquamarine, and the sky a tender of pink and blue. But the green flash is our chief delight.“creme de menthe ,” says Laura.“Jade,” I say.“Emerald,” says Laura. “Jade is too opaque.”“icious viridian,” I say, not to be outdone.“You always did lose yourself in the pleasure of words.”“Edmund, say green as jealousy and be done with it.”“I have never known the meaning of jealousy.”I am sorry to see the sun go, for one of the pleasures I have discovered is the warmth of his touch on my skin. At home in London I never noticed the weather, unless actually inconvenienced by fog or rain; I had no temptation to take a flying holiday to the South and understood little when people spoke or wrote of sunlight on white walls. Now the indolence of southern latitudes has captured me. I like to see dusky men sitting about doing nothing. I like the footfall of naked feet in the dust, silent as a oat passing. I like turning a corner from the shade of a house into the full torrid glare of an open space. I put my hand on metal railings and snatch it away, burnt. But it is seldom that I go ashore.I would never have believed in the simple bliss of being, day after day, at sea. Our ports of call are few, and when they do occur I resent them. I should like this empty existence to be prolonged beyond calculation. In the ship’s library stands a large globe whose function so far as I am concerned is to reveal the proportion of ocean to the landmasses of the troubled would; the Pacific alone dwarfs all the continents put together. Blue, the colour of peace. And then I like all the small noises of a ship: the faint creaking, as of the saddle-leather to a horseman riding across turf, the slap of a rope, the hiss of sudden spray. I have been exhilarated by two days of storm, but above all I love these long purposeless days in which I shed all that I have ever been.(from o Signposts in the Se a, 1961)。

高级阅读No Signposts in the Sea海上无航标 原文+翻译+生词注解+修辞赏析

高级阅读No Signposts in the Sea海上无航标 原文+翻译+生词注解+修辞赏析

No Signposts in the Sea一、In the dining-saloon I sit at a table with three other men, Laura sits some way off with a married couple and their daughter. I can observe her without her knowing and this gives me pleasure, for it is as in a moving picture that I can note the grace of her gestures,①whether she raises a glass of wine to her lips or②turns with a remark to one of her neighbors or takes a cigarette from her casewith those slender fingers(loose sentense松散句).I have never had much of an eye for noticing the clothes of women, but I get the impression Laura is always in grey and white by day, looking cool when other people are flushed and shinyin the tropical heat; in the evening, she wears soft rich colors(metonymy借代), dark red, olive green, midnight blue, always of the most supple flowing texture. I ventured to say something of the kind to her, when she laughed at my clumsy compliment and said. I had better take to writing fashion articles instead of political leaders.PS:①soft:ADJ Something that is soft is very gentle and has no force. For example, a soft sound or voice is quiet and not harsh. A soft light or colour is pleasant to look at because it is not bright. (声音、光线或色彩) 柔和的;②rich:Rich smells are strong and very pleasant. Rich colours and sounds are deep and very pleasant. 浓郁的(气味); 浓厚的(色彩)因此soft和rich这里的修辞手法是:oxymoron n. (修词中的)矛盾修饰法在餐厅里我同另外三个男人围坐在一张桌子旁,而劳拉同一对夫妇及他们的女儿一块儿坐在离我不远的地方。



Protests about damage to ‘natural beauty’ froze me with contempt.
I waPs anorat mpohvreadsbey:the protests about damage to
w‘enlcaotumrael tboeuausety’theasnedPI ovwieewrePdotinhtemtemwpitlhatgerse,aNt ew
Q:What's the implication of "There are no signposts in the sea."
• Literally,it means now he was on board in the sea,no sign or mark will show him where he was and where he could go.In the figurative meaning,the narrator means knowing he was going to die,he was at a loss as to know how long he could live,and how he should spend his last weeks.He was quandary困惑.His former principles and pursuit now became meaningss.Which could no longer guide him what to do and where to go.
• My opinoin: • The signpost is the central symbol image which

高级英语No Signposts in the Sea(15背景介绍)

高级英语No Signposts in the Sea(15背景介绍)

N o S i g n p o s t s i n t h e S e aBackground Information1. About the authorVictoria Mary Sackville- West (1892-1962) was an English poet and novelist, a member of the Bloomsbury group【布鲁姆伯利(英国伦敦中北部的居住区, 因在20世纪初期与知识界的人物, 包括弗吉尼亚·沃尔夫、E.M.福斯特及约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯的关系而闻名于世)】, an informal group of literary and artistic friends, a close friend of Virginia Woolf.Her poems include The Land (1926), Solitude (1938), The Garden (1946), All Passion Spent (1931).Her poetry is traditional in form, reminiscent(怀旧的,使人想起的)of the work of the English nature poets of the age of romanticism.A prolific(多产的)writer, Victoria Sackville-West is the author of15 novels, as well as biographies and travel books.2. About the novel No Signposts in the SeaThis novel is writen in the form of a journal kept by a man called Edmund Carr, 50, an influential political columnist and bachelor. He learns that he has a limited time to live--- a few days or weeks, a month or two at most. How shall he spend them? In this quandary(dilemma), he learns that a widow who he has lately met at random (unplanned/unexpected)social occasions has booked passage on a cruise(漫游) to the Far East. Her qualities, her intelligence and warmth stiffened(strengthened)by a deep reserve(矜持coolness of manner or emotional retraint), have struck him as uncommon; he decided to be abroad. His contact with Laura, the widow, gives Carr an unfamiliar peace and a profound change in perspective ( particular evaluation of sth. , especially from one person’s point of view). Power, prestige(威望、威信), practicality(state of being practical)--- the former watchwords of his career--- lose their ring (echo). Illusion, which he had adhered(追随), and the natural world, uninvaded by civilization, begin to seem transcendent(超然的、超验的independent of the world or beyond the limits of experience). And a third-some Colonel arouses his all-too-human ignominy(羞辱、屈辱disgrace,dishonor) of jealousy,despair, meanness(自私,吝啬)and outbursts(感情迸发)of disappointment against his “rival”.C h a r a c t e r s•L a u r a E d m u n d C a r r T h e C o l o n e lL a u r a•t h e g r a c e o f h e r g e s t u r e s•s l e n d e r f i n g e r s•a l w a y s i n g r e y a n d w h i t e b y d a y•I n t h e e v e n i n g s h e w e a r s s o f t r i c h c o l o u r s,…a l w a y s o f t h e m o s t s u p p l e f l o w i n g t e x t u r ee l e g a n t,b e a u t if u l,i n t e l l ig e n tN a r r a t o r:E d m u n d C a r r•…a n d s a i d I h a d b e t t e r t a k e t o w r i t i n g f a s h i o n a r t i c l e si n s t e a d o f p o l i t i c a l l e a d e r s.a n i n f l u e n t i a l p o l i t i c a l c o l o m n i s t•I o b s e r v e w i t h a m u s e m e n t h o w t o t a l l y t h e c o n c e r n s o f t h e w o r l d,w h i c h o n c e a b s o r b e d m e t o t h e e x c l u s i o n o f a l l e l s e e x c e p t a n o c c a s i o n a l r e l a x a t i o n w i t h p o e t r y o r m u s i c,h a v e l o s t i n t e r e s t f o r m e e v e n t o t h e e x t e n t o f a b o r e d d i s t a s t e.A p r o f o u n d c h a n g e o f t h e n a r r a t o r“I l i v e d p o l i t i c s,I b r e a t h e d p o l i t i c s,I d r e a m e d p o l i t i c s.”•D o u b t l e s s s o m e i n s t i n c t i m p e l s m e g l u t t o n o u s l y t o c r a mt h e s e t h e l a s t w e e k s o f m y l i f e w i t h t h e g e n t l e r t h i n g s In e v e r h a d t i m e f o r,…I a m g o i n g t o d i e.G e n t l e r t h i n g sW h a t i s t h e p o s s i b l e r e l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n C a r r a n dL a u r a?•I c a n o b s e r v e h e r w i t h o u t h e r k n o w i n g,a n d t h i s g i v e s m ep l e a s u r e,…•I h a v e n e v e r h a d m u c h o f a n e y e f o r n o t i c i n g t h e c l o t h e s o fw o m e n,b u t I g e t t h e i m p r e s s i o n t h a t L a u r a i s a l w a y s i n g r e y a n d w h i t e b y d a y,…•I v e n t u r e d t o s a y s o m e t h i n g o f t h e k i n d t o h e r,…T h e C o l o n e l•t h e t a l l c o l o n e l“a m a n o f t h e p e o p l e”“o f l o w l y b i r t h a n d i n e l e g a n t p h y s i q u e”•a n i c e c h a p•n o t t o o o f f e n s i v e l y a n E m p i r e-b u i l d e r,r a t h e r c h a r m i n g l y d e f e r e n t i a l •b y n o m e a n s s t u p i d o r i l l-i n f o r m e d;a l i t t l e o p i n i o n a t e d p e r h a p s,a n d j u s t a b o u t a s f a r t o t h e R i g h t a s a n y b o d y c o u l d g oQ u e s t i o n s f o r f u r t h e r d i s c u s s i o n•I f o n e h a s b e e n i n f o r m e d t h a t o n e’s d a y s i n t h ew o r l d a r e n u m b e r e d,w h a t d o y o u t h i n k o n e m a yc h o o s e t od o a s t he b e s t o p t i o n?•...O n l y t h e d e a f a p p r e c i a t e h e a r i n g,o n l y t h e b l i n d r e a l i z e t h e m a n i f o l d b l e s s i n g s t h a t l i e i n s i g h t.…B u t t h o s e w h o h a v e n e v e r s u f f e r e d i m p a i r m e n t o f s i g h t o r h e a r i n g s e l d o m m a k e t h e f u l l e s t u s e o f t h e s e b l e s s e d f a c u l t i e s.T h e i r e y e s a n d e a r s t a k e i n a l l s i g h t s a n d s o u n d h a z i l y,w i t h o u t c o n c e n t r a t i o n,a n d w i t h l i t t l e a p p r e c i a t i o n.I t i s t h e s a m e o l d s t o r y o f n o tb e i n g g r a t e f u l f o r w h a t w e a r ec o n s c i o u s o f h e a l t h u n t i l w ea r e i l l.N e w W o r d s•...a C h i n e s e w o m a n i m p r o b a b l y c a l l e d M m M e r v e i l l e...i m p r o b a b l y:u n l i k e l y•D o u b t l e s s s o m e i n s t i n c t i m p e l s m e g l u t t o n o u s l y t o c r a m t h e s e...g l u t t o n:a p e r s o n w h o e a t s t o o m u c h f o o d a n d d r i n kg l u t t o n o u s:i n d u l g i n g i n s t h e x c e s s i v e l y.g r e e d y g r e e dr a v e n o u s r a v e n o u s n e s sr a p a c i o u s r a p a c i t yv o r a c i o u s v o r a c i t yc o v e t o u s c o v e t o u s n e s sa v a r i c i o u s a v a r i c e•…r e l e a s i n g s o m e s u p p r e s s e d i n c l i n a t i o n w h i c h i n f a c t w a s a l w a y sl a t e n t.l a t e n t:p o t e n t i a l e.g.l a t e n t e n e r g y;l a t e n t a b i l i t y•O r m a y b e L a u r a’s u n w i t t i n g i n f l u e n c e h a s c a l l e d i t o u t.u n w i t t i n g:u n a w a r e,u n c o n s c i o u s,u n i n t e n t i o n a l,u n k n o w i n g,o b l i v i o u s•g l u t t o n o u s:g l u t t o n:a g l u t t o n o f b o o k sa g l u t t o n f o r w o r k•g l u t t o n o u s:I n d u l g i n g i n s o m e t h i n g,s u c h a s a n a c t i v i t y;v o r a c i o u s.B e i n g a v i d(o f)•c u p i d i t y:E x c e s s i v e d e s i r e,e s p e c i a l l y f o r w e a l t h;c o v e t o u s n e s s o r a v a r i c e;I m m o d e r a t e d e s i r e f o r w e a l t h.C f:V o r a c i o u s/g l u t t o n o u s/r a p a c i o u s/r a v e n o u s:•(T h e c e n t r a l m e a n i n g s h a r e d b y t h e s e a d j e c t i v e s i s“h a v i n g o r •m a r k e d b y b o u n d l e s s g r e e d”)•a v o r a c i o u s r e a d e r.如饥似渴的读者•a v o r a c i o u s o b s e r v e r o f t h e p o l i t i c a l s c e n e;对政治事件的饥渴观察者;•a g l u t t o n o u s a p p e t i t e;贪吃的大胃口;•r a p a c i o u s d e m a n d s;贪婪的需要;•r a v e n o u s f o r p o w e r.对权利的贪欲•U n w i t t i n g:N o t k n o w i n g;u n a w a r e;N o t i n t e n d e d;u n i n t e n t i o n a l:C f:L a t e n t/d o r m a n t/q u i e s c e n t•(T h e s e a d j e c t i v e s m e a n p r e s e n t o r i n e x i s t e n c e b u t n o t a c t i v e o rm a n i f e s t.)•W h a t i s l a t e n t i s p r e s e n t b u t n o t v i s i b l e o r a p p a r e n t.•l a t e n t e n e r g y;潜在的能量;l a t e n t a b i l i t y.潜在的能力。

高级英语Lesson 15 No Signposts in the Sea 词汇短语

高级英语Lesson 15  No Signposts in the Sea 词汇短语

词汇(Vocabulary):a post bearing a sign;guidepost广告柱;路标----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:able to bend and move easily and nimbly;lithe;limber柔软的;可塑的;能轻易弯曲的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:cause(time)to pass without being noticed消磨(时间----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:showing deference;very respectful表示敬意的,恭敬的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:holding unreasonably or obstinatedly to one’s own opinions固执己见的;固守成见的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:inclined to eat too much and greedily贪食的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------: present but invisible or inactive;lying hidden and undeveloped within a person or thing,as a quality or power;potential潜在的;潜伏的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:not intended;unintentional无意的;非有意的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:haughty or contemptuous傲慢的,目中无人的;轻蔑的,轻视的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------: operated by the movement and force of liquid水力的;液压的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:regarding as belonging to or coming from someone归属;归因、;归咎----------------------------------------------------------------------------------: of characteristic of adolescence;youthful,exuberant,immature,unsettled,young,etc.青春期的,青年的;发育未全的;未成熟的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:immature love that adolescent boys and girls may feel for each other;puppy love雏恋,幼恋----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:break up and move in different directions;scatter分散,散开;散去----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:the doctrine that God is not a personality(as in Christianity)but thata11 laws,forces. manifestations, etc.,of the self-existing universe are God泛神论----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:active ill will;desire to harm another or to do mischief;spite敌意;怨恨----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:giving a fine delight to the senses; giving a satisfying feeling of restand enjoyment令人舒服的;安逸的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:showing religious devotion and zealous in the performance of religious obligations虔诚的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:a small,enclosed place in a church. where a priest hears confessions(教堂中神父听取忏悔的)忏悔室----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:remission(of sin or penalty for it):specif., in some churches,such remission formally given by a priest in the sacrament of penance(罪或惩罚的)赦免----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:the rail around the stern of a ship or boat船尾栏杆----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:cause to ripple使起细浪;使波动(或飘动)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:a small horse矮种马;小马----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:a kind or very fine smooth cloth mainly of silk. which is shiny on the front and dull on the back缎子----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:stain or color to look like mottled or streaked marble把……弄上大理石花纹----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:a person who writes illegibly or carelessly 笔迹潦草的人----------------------------------------------------------------------------------: dangerously steep:frighteningly high above the ground陡峭的;险峻的;悬崖峭壁般的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:a high,steep,broad—faced bank or cliff陡坡;悬崖----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:(of land or a country)having so little rain as to be very dry and unproductive(土地等)干旱的;贫脊的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:(cause to)become white or whiter(使)变白,漂白----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:take 0r carry away by force;rape强抢;强夺;强奸----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:(often pl.)a secluded,withdrawn,or inner place(常用复数)深处;幽深之处----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:having a severe or stern look,manner,etc.;forbidding严厉的,严峻的;严肃的;苛刻的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:happening,then stopping,then happening again,with pauses inbetween;not continuous断断续续的,间断的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:a peak or high land that juts out into a body of water;headland岬(角);海角----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:a pale purple colour淡紫色----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:any of various large strong,mostly white seabirds famous for their ability to fly long distances信天翁----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:knowledge or wisdom,especially of an unscientific kind,about a certain subject学问;知识(尤指某门学科知识)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:stand,move,sit,lie,etc.in a relaxed or lazy way;loll(懒散地)站(走,坐,躺)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:the quality or state of being serene;calmness;tranquillity宁静;晴朗----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:catch sight of;make out;spy;descry(偶尔)看见;发现;探出;窥见----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:a type of toothed sea—animal 2-3 metres long,which swims about very quickly in groups。

张汉熙《高级英语(1)》(第3版重排版)学习指南-Lesson 13 No Signposts in

张汉熙《高级英语(1)》(第3版重排版)学习指南-Lesson 13 No Signposts in

Lesson 13 No Signposts in the Sea (Excerpts)一、词汇短语1. signpost n. a post bearing a sign; guidepost路标:Wedrove past a signpost which I couldn’t read.我们驶过一块路标,可是我读不懂。

2. saloon n. (British)a large room or hall esp. in a hotel or a publicbuilding大会客室,公共大厅,酒吧间3. supple adj. moving and bending with ease; limber柔软的,可塑的;灵活的:a supple mind灵活的大脑4. colonel n. 陆军上校, 团长5. beguile vt. to pass (time) pleasantly消磨(时间):Our travel wasbeguiled with pleasant talk.我们在旅行途中以愉快的谈话来消磨时间。

6. deferential adj. marked by or exhibiting deference;very respectful表示敬意的,尊敬的:a deferential manner恭敬的举止7. opinionated adj. expressing very strong opinionsabout things固执己见的,极自负的:He is too opinionated to listen toanyone else.他太固执己见,听不进别人的意见。

8. Right n. (political) a group or section favoring conservatism (originallythe more conservative section of a continental legislature, seated on thepresident’s right); such conservatives collectively右派,保守党9. tease vt. to annoy or pester; to make fun of; mock playfully使烦恼;取笑,捉弄:Don’t tease the dog.不要捉弄那条狗。



• a clear critique of the Edwardian aristocratic society& a reflection of her own childhood experiences.
All Passion Spent
• ( adapted for television by the BBC ) • Lady Slane who, after her husband dies, defies the wishes of her children and grandchildren and retreats to a cottage in the countryside, where she rediscovers herself and her passions. • addresses peoples’, especially women’s, control of their own lives.
educated at home.
In 1913, at age 21, married the 27 year-old diplomat and journalist Harold George Nicolson.
The couple had an open marriage. Both Sackville-West and her husband had consecutive same-sex relations.
Well known writings
A prolific writer.
She was viewed as one of the Britain's promising young writers in thage (1919) Thirty Clocks Strike the Hour (1932) The Dragon in Shallow Waters (1921) Family History (1932) The Heir (1922) The Dark Island (1934) Challenge (1923) Grand Canyon (1942) Grey Waters (1923) Devil at Westease (1947) Seducers in Ecuador (1924) The Easter Party (1953) Passenger to Teheran (1926) No Signposts in the Sea (1961) The Edwardians (1930) All Passion Spent (1931) The Death of Noble Godavary and Gottfried Künstler (1932)

No Signposts in the Sea(excerpts) 海上无路标

No Signposts in the Sea(excerpts) 海上无路标

Brief introduction of Writer
A prolific writer.
15 novels as well as biographies and travel books Her poetry may be prove to be more enduring. She was viewed as one of the Britain's promising young writers in the 1920s. Her influences on others writers especially Virginia Woolf is perhaps greater than her own individual achievement. (Orlando: a Biography) (1928年)
No Signposts in the Sea
(excerpts) ) 节选) 海上无路标(节选)
By Vita Sackville-West
Brief introduction of Writer
Vita Sackville-West
An English poet and novelist. She was born in Knole Castle, the seat of the Sackvillie family from the time that Queen Elizabeth Ⅰgave Knole to her cousin, Lord Treasurer Thomas Sackville. She was educated at home, and its tradition exerted a major influence on her life. In 1913 she married a diplomat Harold Nicolson and traveled extensively during his years in the Foreign Office.



In the dining-saloon I sit at a table with three other men; Laura sits some way oft with a married couple and their daughter. I can observe her without her knowing, and this gives me pleasure, for it is as in a moving picture that I can note the grace of her gestures, whether she raises a glass of wine to her lips or turns with a remark to one of her neighbours or takes a cigarette from her case with those slender fingers. I have never had much of an eye for noticing the clothes of women, but I get the impression that Laura is always in grey and white by day, looking cool when other people are flushed and shiny in the tropical heat; in the evening she wears soft rich colours, dark red, olive green, midnight blue, always of the most supple flowing texture. I ventured to say something of the kind to her, when she laughed at my clumsy compliment and said I had better take to writing fashion articles instead of political leaders.在餐厅里,我同另外三个男人围坐在一张桌子旁,而劳拉同一对夫妇及他们的女儿一块儿坐在离我不远的地方。

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In the dining-saloon I sit at a table with three other men; Laura sits some way oft with a married couple and their daughter. I can observe her without her knowing, and this gives me pleasure, for it is as in a moving picture that I can note the grace of her gestures, whether she raises a glass of wine to her lips or turns with a remark to one of her neighbours or takes a cigarette from her case with those slender fingers. I have never had much of an eye for noticing the clothes of women, but I get the impression that Laura is always in grey and white by day, looking cool when other people are flushed and shiny in the tropical heat; in the evening she wears soft rich colours, dark red, olive green, midnight blue, always of the most supple flowing texture. I ventured to saysomething of the kind to her, when she laughed at my clumsy compliment and said I had better take to writing fashion articlesinstead of political leaders.在餐厅里,我同另外三个男人围坐在一张桌子旁,而劳拉同一对夫妇及他们的女儿一块儿坐在离我不远的地方。















Dismissive as Pharisee, I regarded as moonlings all those whose life was lived on a less practical plane. Protests about damage to 'natural beauty' froze me wit," contempt, for I believed in progress and could spare no regrets for a lake dammed into hydraulic use for the benefit of an industrial city in the . And so it was for all things. A hard materialism was my creed, accepted as a law of progress; any ascription of disinterested motives aroused not only my suspicion but my scorn.※过去,我像法利赛人一样自以为是,轻视别人。







And now see how I stand, as sentimental and sensitive as any old maid doing water-colour s of sunsets! I once flattered myself that I was an adult man; I now perceive that I am gloriously and abolescently silly. A new , loving what I have despised, and suffering from calf-love into the bar gain, I want my till of beautybefore I go. Geographically I did not care and scarcely know where I am. There are no signposts in the sea.可是看看现在的我吧,竟然像一个老处女正用水彩画着西下的残阳,十分地多愁善感!我曾自诩为老成持重,现在却意识到自己原来这么幼稚无知。














Sometimes Laura and I lean over the taffrail , and that is happiness. It may be by daylight, looking at the sea, rippled with little white ponies, or with no ripples at allbut on-ly the lazy satin of blue, marbled at the edge where the passage of our ship has disturbed it. Or it may be at night, when the sky surely seems blacker than ever at home and the stars more golden. I recall a phrase from the diary of a half-literate soldier, ‘ The stars seemed little cuts in the black cover, through which a bright beyond was seen.' Sometimes these untaught scribblers have a way of putting things.※有时,劳拉和我一起倚在船尾栏杆上,这对我是一种幸福。





The wireless told us today that there is fog all over .据无线电广播,今天全英格兰弥漫着大雾。

Sometimes we follow a coastline, it may be precipitous bluffs of grey limestonerising sheer out of the sea, or a low-lying arid stretch with miles of white sandy beach,and no sign of habitation, very bleachedand barren. These coasts remind me ofpeople; either they are forbidding and unapproachable , or else they present nomystery and show all they have to give at a glance, you feel the country wouldcontinue to be flat and featureless however far you penetrated inland. What I likebest are the stern cliffs, with ranges of mountains soaring behind them, full ofpossibilities, peaks to be scaled only by the most daring. What plants of the highaltitudes grow unravished among their crags and valleys? So do I let my imaginationplay over the recesses of Laura's Character, so austere in the foreground butnurturing what treasures of tenderness, like delicate flowers, for the discovery of the venturesome.※有时,我们的轮船沿着海岸线航行。



南平市seo费用雨具seo方案大学城放心seo优化哪家好南昌优化seo茂名seo内页优化方法新民创新抖音seo优化大概费用杭州seo推广费用价格谷歌seo新手入门课程百度推广优化seo平台崇州seo优化收费网店推广实战seo品牌推广与seo教程山东整站seo优化厂家快速seo推广多少钱皇姑区一站式抖音seo优化方案从化区市场seo优化哪个好武夷山网络seo哪个好广西省教育行业seo推广德州济南seo优化找哪家济南槐荫区seo业务培训壹起航seo优化效果怎么解决如何做好seo推广广告十堰seo网络公司郫都区seo优化报价好的seo系统加盟平台如何seo搜索一对一seo优化口碑推荐彭水一站式seo推广泰州优化seo价格广东网络seo优化价格多少厦门百度关键词seo团队上海seo优化热线武汉seo排名什么软件好湘潭seo优化企业搜索引擎营销即seo湖北多方位服务型seo推荐秒收录软件seo 营销移动seo优化公司推荐长乐企业seo介绍营销型网站多少钱专注乐云seo江门关键词seo优化价格seo优化软文青岛seo外包服务公司费用360seo优化哪家比较专业江苏网络seo优化有哪些吉林seo优化怎么做湖南seo网络营销夏邑专业seo优化怎么收费内黄县seo优化工具浙江seo公司无锡做seo优化哪家比较好seo推文企业做seo搜索引擎优化seo文章从哪搜索比较好长春seo大手烟台市seo如何给前端开发seoseo教学第一阶段seo问题提问如何优化昆明seo最新消息南宁网站seo服务seo 权重法库一站式抖音seo优化要求锦州seo优化效果重庆seo网络推广关讲解互联网seo建瓯一般seo销售价格沈阳标准抖音seo优化网上价格汤阴县seo哪家做得快灰帽seo营销关键词网站seo优化怎么样seo分类目录seo方法 词库扬州做seo哪个公司好濮阳百度seo推广公司排名站群搭建seo东莞seo营销软件带seo网站源码东莞360seo哪里靠谱黄石低成本seo推广价格汕头市整站seo优化品牌秒收录seo 广告三明抖音关键词seo优化怎么做延平区提供seo费用是多少河源seo去哪咨询seo最新优化技术信息流道滘seo推广优化价格费用宜昌包年seo推广哪个好合肥哪里有seosem竞价与seo 收录潜江工厂seo推广怎么做阿拉尔seo 网络推广销售代理seo优化多久才能有效果青羊区seo优化网络推广费用重庆seo关键词软件价格360seo优化营销广宁seo标题修改要点偃师seo优化价格南昌网站seo推广费用seo教程全集免费信息流推广瓷砖seo优化服务山东seo优化软件seo新站审核seo推广方案怎么做引流简单seo工具霸屏双鸭山seo优化公司靠谱兰州快速seo搜索优化费用企业seo优化计划seo这个工作好吗浅淡对seo的认识陕西正规的seo服务山西seo优化哪家价格便宜热门seo优化招商平台河东区电商seo技术哪个好永州关键词seo优化怎么样贞丰seo优化公司知名的seo排名托管山东seo优化系统仙桃seo推广哪家好seo访客记录停留时间会影响吗seo专业培训seo8大连网络营销seoseo提高企业知名度潜山seo优化价格多少seo竞争对手的影响垫江操作简便seo推广哪家好天津seo优常见的黑帽seo手段seo稿件范文美妆免费的seo 广告湖北如何seo推广写给seo的话南川区seo优化口碑推荐海珠seo优化代运营哪家好seo新手入门基础优化seo 大佬襄阳广告seo推广公司排名怀宁seo优化公司哪家好seo网上课程营销同ip网站seo越秀seo网络营销特点seo顾问培训关键词河南正规的新站seo优化朔州seo优化费用是多少黑帽seo基础知识保定seo整站优化排名公司技术好的seo优化公司seo求职优点寮步seo优化关键词公司吉林贴心seo优化使用方法内容seo推广外包公司初级seo是什么职位网站seo运营工作内容余杭区seo外包SEO按照什么规则去优化厦门抖音搜索seo优化排名江北seo优化费用seo关键字是什么大同seo优化收费白帽seo是什么意思汉口seo优化公司哪家好张家口靠谱的seo优化seo优化从零开始分类品牌seo系统招商加盟项目seo实战操作外推秦淮seo优化排名重庆正规seo公司义马网站网络排名优化SEO推广中山seo优化代理江津seo关键词优化红桥区seo哪家专业越秀seo优化排名多少钱惠州站外seo怎么样蜘蛛屯seo搜索引擎优化初学者自学seo 分类404seo锦州seo优化策划费用seo a5郫都区seo优化公司荆门农业seo推广哪家好大良seo优化哪家专业珠海去哪里找seo公司太原seo优化承诺守信浦城公司seo服务费宁德厦门seo推广应城市seo关键词排名报价seo招聘有用吗seo优化和高级运营区别南山seo优化流程白猫seo优化墟沟seo网络优化收费标准郑州seo网络营销软件乐山seo网络推广多少钱荆州白酒seo推广都有哪些渠道潜江网店seo推广价格仙桃餐饮seo推广哪里好灵宝seo优化关键词潜山seo优化价格多少百度贴吧关键词排名seo公司seo排序


