吴嘉宁 -百姓标王
吴嘉宁 -百姓标王

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电子邮箱: wujn27@mail.sysu.edu.cn



近年来,研究主要围绕未来制造、仿生界面、智能机器人及机械系统可靠性等交叉领域展开。近年来在Nature Nanotechnology, PNAS, NSR, AFM, iScience等高水平期刊发表通讯/一作SCI论文80余篇(封面论文7篇),授权专利15项。2016年获得第五届国际仿生工程学术大会(International Conference of Bionic Engineering)优秀学生奖(全球2名),研究成果被新华社,中科院,科学网,New York Times, Discover网站,Science主页,New Scientist及Physics.org报道,关于象鼻的仿生研究受邀加拿大Discovery频道制作主题纪录片。2021年受邀参加《CC讲坛》及《格致论道讲坛》,相关视频受《人民日报》,学习强国等媒体平台转载报道。








  Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.hk/citations?user=IIYWr00AAAAJ&hl=zh-CN&oi=ao

  Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jianing_Wu2





2009.09 - 2015.06,清华大学,机械工程专业,博士

2005.09 - 2009.06,北京交通大学,机械工程专业,学士



2022.08 - 至今,中山大学先进制造学院,副教授、副院长

2018.11 - 2022.08,中山大学航空航天学院  ,副教授

2015.09 - 2018.11,美国佐治亚理工学院,博士后研究员



















4.Soft Science青年编委



[1] Hao Yang#, Jie Zhang#, Ji Wang, Jinbo Hu, Zhigang Wu*, Fei Pan*, Jianing Wu*. Delocalized Deformation Enhanced Reusable Energy Absorption Metamaterials Based on Bistable Tensegrity[J]. Advanced Functional Materials, 2024: 2410217. (中科院1区, IF=18.5) https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202410217

[2] Yawei Zhu, Yating Zhu, Zhaohang Ding, Hao Ding, Renguan Zhou, Yifeng Liao, and Jianing Wu. Rapid flow field prediction in patterned baleen membranes of balaenid whales during filter feeding by deep learning[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36(8). (中科院2区, IF=4.1 ) https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0221595

[3] Yujun Wei, Weihong Li, Shaochong Zhang, Jiadong Yu, Yong Tang, Jianing Wu, Shudong Yu*. Laser-Induced Porous Graphene/CuO Composite for Efficient Interfacial Solar Steam Generation [J]. Advanced Functional Materials, 2024, 34, 28, 2401149. (中科院1区, IF=18.5) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/adfm.202401149

[4] Shudong Yu*, Yujun Wei, Dong Fang, Weihong Li, Jiadong Yu, Yong Tang, Jingjing Bai*, Jianing Wu*. Enhancing efficiency of interfacial solar steam generation with biomimetic hierarchical porous graphene activated by NaOH [J]. Desalination, 2024: 117909.(中科院1区, IF=8.7) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.desal.2024.117909

[5] Yifeng Liao#, Jun Lyu#, Yujia Zhang, Yuhe Hong, Shuoshuo Ding, Zhigang Wu, Hao Liu*, Jianing Wu*, Specialized spatially-arranged non-circular fibers enhance filtration performance of African shrimp (Atya gabonensis), Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 2024. (JCR Q2, IF=3.4) DOI: 10.1088/1748-3190/ad3b57.



[6] Wei Zhang#, Wei Jiang#, Chao·Zhang#, Xuezhi Qin, Huanxi Zheng, Wanghuai Xu, Miaomiao Cui, Bin Wang*, Jianing Wu*, Zuankai Wang*, Solid·Particles Catapult in Honeybees, Nature Nanotechnology. (JCR Q1, IF=38.3) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41565-023-01524-x

[7] Jiangkun Wei#, Alejandro Rico-Guevara#, Susan W. Nicolson, Fabian Brau, Pascal Damman, Stanislav N. Gorb, Zhigang Wu*, Jianing Wu*, Honey bees switch mechanisms to drink deep nectar efficiently, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120 (30) e2305436120, 2023. (IF=11.1, JCR Q1, 中科院1区) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2305436120(获Science官网报道)

[8] Zixin Wang#, Wwei Zhang#, Jiahao Li, Ji Wang, Yunqiang Yang, Tong Bao*, Jianing Wu*, Bo Wang*, Animating fossilized invertebrates by motion reconstruction, National Science Review. (JCR Q1, IF=20.6) https://doi.org/10.1093/nsr/nwad268

[9] Yifeng Liao, Ji Wang, Jun Lyu, Wei Jiang, Zhigang Wu*, Jianing Wu*, High stability in filtration apparatus of African shrimp. iScience. (JCR Q1, IF=5.8) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2023.107444

[10] Caiying Liao, Jiangkun Wei, Yichen Lan, Zhigang Wu*, Chengpei Tang, Jianing Wu*. An Origami‑Like Sheath of a Honeybee Tongue for Fluid Viscosity Sensing. Journal of Bionic Engineering. (JCR Q2, IF = 4) DOI: 10.1007/s42235-023-00399-x.

[11] Yuwen Zhao, Jie Zhang, Siyuan Zhang, Peng Zhang, Guixin Dong*, Jianing Wu*, Jinxiu Zhang*, Transporting dispersed cylindrical granules: an intelligent strategy inspired by an elephant trunk, Advanced Intelligent Systems. (JCR Q1, IF = 7.4) DOI: 10.1002/aisy.202300182

[12] Ke Ma, Xiaodong Chen, Jie Zhang, Zekai Xie, Jianing Wu*, Jinxiu Zhang*, Inspired by Physical Intelligence of an Elephant Trunk: Biomimetic Soft Robot with Pre-programmable Localized Stiffness, IEEE RA-L. (中科院2区, JCR Q2, IF=4.321) DOI:10.1109/LRA.2023.3256922

[13] Jie Zhang, Junhao Shi, Junhai Huang, Qihuan Wu, Yuwen Zhao, Jinzhao Yang, Hamed Rajabi, Zhigang Wu*, Haijun Peng*, Jianing Wu*, In-situ reconfigurable continuum robot with varying curvature enabled by programmable tensegrity building block, Advanced Intelligent Systems. (JCR 1区, IF=7.298) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/aisy.202300048

[14] Jie Zhang, Bo Wang, Haohan Chen, Jianing Bai, Zhigang Wu, Ji Liu*, Haijun Peng*, Jianing Wu*, Bioinspired Continuum Robots with Programmable Stiffness by Harnessing Phase Change Materials, Advanced Materials Technologies. (中科院二区,JCR Q1, IF = 8.9) DOI:https://doi.org/10.1002/admt.202201616 (封面论文)

[15] Siyu Bai, Shi-Yang Tang*, Jianing Wu*, Membranous sheath of a fan worm functions as a high-performance energy absorber and stabilizer, Cell Reports Physical Science. (中科院2区,JCR Q1, IF=7.832) DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xcrp.2023.101253 (封面文章)

[16] Wei Jiang*, Yu Sun*, Zhigang Wu, Zhao Pan*, Michael J. Bok*, Jianing Wu*, Rapid manoeuvre of fan worms (Annelida: Sabellidae) through tubes, Journal of Experimental Biology. (中科院2区, JCR Q2, IF=3.308). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1242/jeb.245731 (封面论文)

[17] Liao Caiying, Amador Guillermo, Liu Xuhan, Wu Zhigang*, Wu Jianing*. Trichoid sensilla on honey bee proboscises as inspiration for micro-viscometers. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 18(1), 016012. (中科院2区,JCR Q2, IF=2.985) DOI:https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-3190/aca577

[18] Ke Xu#, Xiaoming Xu#, Qi Yang, Jianing Wu, Zhigang Wu*, Jinzhao Yang*. Mechanistic Analysis and Bio‑inspired Applications for a Bidirectional Stifness of a Water Snail Operculum, Journal of Bionic Engineering. (中科院3区, JCR Q2, IF=2.995) DOI: 10.1007/s42235-023-00384-4

[19] Hao Yang#, Jiangkun Wei#, Weilin Xia, Siqin Ge*, Jianing Wu*, Adult rhinoceros beetles use a sweeping pattern to ingest high-viscosity fluid, Journal of Insect Physiology. (JCR Q1, IF = 2.2) Https ://doi.org/10.1016/j.jinsphys.2023.104572


[20] Qiufeng Yuan#, Le Zong#, Jie Zhang, Jianing Wu, Siqin Ge*, Yunqiang Yang*, Inside the coupling of ladybird beetle elytra: elastic setae can facilitate swift deployment, Journal of Experimental Biology, 2022, 225 (14). (中科院2区, JCR2区, IF=3.308) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1242/jeb.244343.

[21] Jie Zhang , Yunge Hu , You Li , Ke Ma , Yujun Wei , Jinzhao Yang , Zhigang Wu , Hamed Rajabi *, Haijun Peng *, Jianing Wu *, Versatile like a seahorse tail: a bio-inspired programmable continuum robot for conformal grasping, Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2022. (JCR1区,IF=7.298) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/aisy.202200263.

[22] Bo Wang, Xuhan Liu, Guowei Tang, Jianing Wu*, Yunqiang Yang*, Optimal kinematics of a bee tongue for viscous fluid transport, Soft Matter, 2022. (中科院2区, JCR2区, IF=4.046) DOI:10.1039/D2SM00832G

[23] Jiangkun Wei, Fabian Brau, Pascal Damman, Ayrton Draux, Hoa-AiBéatrice Hua, Zhigang Wu*, Jianing Wu*, Trade-off mechanism of honey bee sucking and lapping, Soft Matter, 2022,18,5568. (封面论文)(中科院2区, JCR2区, IF=4.046) https://doi.org/10.1039/D2SM00361A

[24] Jiangkun Wei, Yingqi Liang, Xingdi Chen, Stanislav N. Gorb, Zhigang Wu, Huizeng Li, and Jianing Wu, Enhanced Flexibility of the Segmented Honey Bee Tongue with Hydrophobic Tongue Hairs, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.2c00431 (中科院1, IF=9.2, 获材料学前沿、国际仿生学会报道)

[25] Jie Zhang, Ziyun Kan, You Li, Zhigang Wu, Jianing Wu*, Haijun Peng*, Novel design of a cable-driven continuum robot with multiple motion patterns, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2022, 7(3):6163-6170. DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2022.3166547 (中科院2, JCR2, IF=3.7, 获机器人大讲堂报道)



[26] Jiangkun Wei, Zixin Huo, Yingqi Liang, Zhigang Wu* , Jianing Wu*, Stanislav Gorb, Hydrophilic and opened canals in honey bee tongue rods endow elastic structures with multiple functions, Acta Biomaterialia, 137, 162-171, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actbio.2021.10.036 (中科院1, IF=8.9, 获国际仿生学会主页报道)

[27] Yu Sun, Junrong Zhang, Xiaoyang Tang, Zhigang Wu, Stanislav N.Gorb , Jianing Wu*, Specialized morphology and material properties make a honey bee tongue both extendible and structurally stable, Acta Biomaterialia, 136: 412-419. 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.actbio.2021.09.045(中科院1, IF=8.9, 获国际仿生学会主页报道)

[28] Hamed Rajabi*, Jianing Wu* and Stanislav Gorb*, Insects: Functional Morphology, Biomechanics and Biomimetics, Insects, 2021. (中科院2, IF=2.7)

[29] Jingrui Wang#, Yu Sun#, Wei Zhang, Yunqiang Yang*, Shaoze Yanand, Jianing Wu*. Effects of nectar property on compensated dipping behavior of honey bees with damaged tongues, Journal of Bionic Engineering. 2021.https://doi.org/10.1007/s42235-021-00094-9 (中科院2, IF=2.6)

[30] Schulz AK#, Jianing Wu#, Ha SYS, Kim G, Braccini Slade S, Rivera S, Reidenberg JS, Hu DL, 2021 Suction feeding by elephants. Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 18: 20210215. DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2021.0215 (中科院2, IF=4.1, 获纽约时报报道)

[31] Hao Wang, Zhigang Wu, Jieliang Zhao, and Jianing Wu*, Nectar feeding by a honey bee’s hairy tongue: morphology, dynamics, and energy-saving strategies. Insects, 2021. (中科院2, IF=2.7)

[32] Jie Zhang, Qiufeng Yuan, Yiling Jiang, Hong Pang, Hamed Rajabi*, Zhigang Wu and Jianing Wu*, Elytra coupling of ladybirds Coccinella septempunctata functions as an energy absorber in intentional falls. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 2021. (中科院2, IF=2.9, 获科学网、果壳网及国际仿生学会报道)

[33] Wei Zhang, Zhigang Wu, Zixin Wang, Zhe Wang, Chuchu Li, Hamed Rajabi and Jianing Wu*, Double-rowed teeth: design specialization of the Harpegnathos venator ants for enhanced tribological stability, Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 2021, 16(5): 055003. (中科院2, IF=2.9)

[34] Matthew S. Lehnert*, Daytona D. Johnson, Jianing Wu, Yu Sun, Rena J. Fonseca1, Jan Michels, Jamie S. Shell, Kristen E. Reiter, Physical adaptations of butterfly proboscises enable feeding from narrow floral tubes. Functional Ecology, 2021. (中科院1, IF=5.6)

[35] Andrew K. Schulz#, Jianing Wu#, Sung Yeon Sara Ha, Greena Kim, Stephanie Braccini Slade, Sam Rivera, Joy S. Reidenberg and David L. Hu, Suction feeding by elephants, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 2021, 18(179): 20210215. (The first two authors contributed equally to this work) (中科院2,IF=4.1)

[36] Jie Zhang, Jing Li, Chujun Li, Zhigang Wu, Haizhao Liang*, Jianing Wu*, Self-righting physiology of the ladybird beetle Coccinella septempunctata on surfaces with variable roughness. Journal of Insect Physiology, 2021, 130: 104202. (中科院2, IF=2.3)

[37] Zike He#, Wei Zhang#, Yu Sun, Chuchu Li, Jianing Wu*, Zhigang Wu, How honey bees dip nectar: dynamic spacing of tongue hairs facilitates to collect nectar of various viscosities, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2021, 512: 110538. (中科院3, IF=2.6)

[38] 廖采莹, 吴志刚, 赵杰亮, 吴嘉宁, (2021). 西方蜜蜂中唇舌摄食机制力学分析方法. Bio-protocol, e1010620-e1010620.



[39] Zixin Wang#, Wei Zhang#, Jianing Wu, Yunqiang Yang*, An approach to observing andquantifying real-time mandibular muscle topology in the trap-jaw ant Odontomachus monticola by synchrotron imaging, Journal of Insect Behavior, 2020, 33(5): 174-183. (中科院3,IF=1.3)

[40] Lianhui Shi, Susan W. Nicolson, Yunqiang Yang, Jianing Wu*, Shaoze Yan, Zhigang Wu, Drinking made easier: honey bee tongues dip faster into warmer and/or less viscous artificial nectar, Journal of Experimental Biology, 2020, 223(18). (中科院3, IF=3.3)

[41] Jiangkun Wei, Zixin Huo, S. N. Gorb, A. Rico-Guevara, Zhigang Wu, Jianing Wu*, Sucking or lapping: facultative feeding mechanisms in honeybees (Apis mellifera), Biology letters, 2020, 16(8): 20200449. (封面文章, 获纽约时报报道)(中科院2, IF=3.7)

[42] Wei Zhang, Zike He, Yu Sun, Jianing Wu*, Zhigang Wu, A mathematical modeling method elucidating the integrated gripping performance of ant mandibles and bio-inspired grippers, Journal of Bionic Engineering, 2020, 17(4): 732-746. (中科院2, IF=2.6)

[43] Yue Chen#, Jianing Wu#, Yunqiang Yang*, Shaoze Yan*, Functional compensation in a honey bee’s damaged tongue while dipping nectar, Journal of Insect Behavior, 2020, 33(2): 71-82, (The first two authors contributed equally to this work). (中科院3, IF=1.3)

[44] Caiying Liao#, Yuejun Xu#, Yu Sun, Lehnert Matthew S., Wuweikai Xiang, Jianing Wu*, Zhigang Wu, Feeding behavior of honey bees on dry sugar, Journal of Insect Physiology, 2020, 124: 104059. (中科院2, IF=2.3)

[45] Wuweikai Xiang, Chaoze Yan*, Jianing Wu, Wendong Niu, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2020, 138: 106596. (中科院1, IF=6.8)

[46] Lianhui Shi#, Jianing Wu#, Harald W. Krenn, Yunqiang Yang*, Shaoze Yan*, Temporal model of fluid-feeding mechanisms in a long proboscid orchid bee compared to the short proboscid honey bee, Journal of theoretical biology, 2020, 484: 110017, (The first two authors contributed equally to this work). (中科院3, IF=2.6)

[47] Yongying Ruan, Alexander S Konstantinov, Guanya Shi, Yi Tao, You Li, Andrew J Johnson, Xiaozhu Luo, Xinying Zhang, Mengna Zhang, Jianing Wu, Wenzhu Li, Siqin Ge, Xingke Yang, The jumping mechanism of flea beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Alticini), its application to bionics and preliminary design for a robotic jumping leg. ZooKeys, 2020, 915: 87. (中科院3, IF=1.5)

[48] Wei Zhang, Minghao Li, Guobin Zheng, Zijin Guan, Jianing Wu*, Zhigang Wu, Multifunctional mandibles of ants: Variation in gripping behavior facilitated by specificmicrostructures and kinematics, Journal of Insect Physiology, 2020, 120: 103993. (中科院2, IF=2.3)



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[8] 一种面向小型昆虫应用的环境更换与生物采集装置(专利号:202011393112.X,2020,中国

[9] 一种管栖生物精细运动的可视化培养方法(专利号:202010574850.8,2020,中国)

[10] 一种仿蜜蜂中唇舌的微孔道清洁执行器(专利号:202010919845.6,2020,中国)

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[15] 一种大面积展开的航天器太阳电池阵展开装置(专利号:201110151735.0,中国




1. Jianing Wu. The honeybee toolkit: mechanical perfection and how to save energy. Insects and flowers, new views of an old partnership, Symposium held by Austria Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria, Oct 20-22, 2017

2. Jianing Wu. How elephants use their trunk to transport matter. Oct 23. COSB COLLOQUIUM, Centre for Organismal Systems Biology, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, Oct 23, 2017

3. Jianing Wu. Matter transport by animal appendages: from honeybee mouthparts to elephant trunk. Department of mechanical and energy engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology. Shenzhen, China, Nov 23, 2017



1. Jianing Wu. A flea beetle jumps like a coin flips. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Portland, OR, USA, Jan 4, 2016

2. Jianing Wu. Elephant Trunk Forms Joints to Better Grip Objects Annual Meeting. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, New Orleans, LA, USA, Jan 7, 2017

3. Jianing Wu. Crispy Disk Grabbing by an Elephant‐Trunk Inspired Robot. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Singapore, May 29, 2017



泰安seo邯郸seo优化seo培训武汉曲阜seo如何做好seo优化梁山seoSEO排名网站seo服务公司换服务器seoseo营销工具关键词排名查询多多关键词排名首荐金手指天津网络seo喷播机关键词排名如何让网站关键词排名长久稳定怎么seo优化seo挖词郑州网站关键词排名公司湖北关键词排名优化技巧淘宝关键词如何搜索排名seo优化推广技术重庆怎么学关键词排名优化策略网站seo关键字优化旺道seo优化软件合肥seo公司导航seokeywords关键词排名天津刷关键词排名首页如何网络营销关键词排名铜陵网站关键词排名优化贵阳seo优化seo整体优化南昌seo许昌网站关键词搜索排名代理seo综合工具松松seo西安360关键词自然排名技巧网站seo计划网站快速关键词排名的技巧义乌抖音seo关键词排名公司同行关键词排名的软seo优化案例分析关键词排名有明火18星妙手关键词快速排名团队seo的前途化工关键词排名技巧北京关键词排名都选乐云seoseo快速排名优化澳门优化关键词排名系统百度关键词排名在哪里看搜狗关键词推广排名银徽seoseo站内企业站seo常宁seoseo的网站视频号关键词搜索怎么排名的淘宝SEO惠州SEO优化公司放心的关键词排名优化公司贵阳seo排名如何进行seo福州seo推广机电关键词排名方式衡水网站百度关键词排名推广百度关键词seo顶峰seoseo推广学习信阳平台关键词搜索排名技巧seo 报价北京seo公司seo优化工资关键词广告和竞价排名广告seo刷词信阳网站关键词排名技术工具监控网站seo关键词排名a选刘贺稳知名郑州seo博客seo 网站结构梧州关键词排名Seo 搜索排名应用商店搜索关键词排名规则seo入门培训新型seo技术光年 seo肥西网站关键词排名鹤壁搜狗关键词搜索排名代理代发关键词搜索排名关键词跌出排名seo任务顺德seo广东实力强关键词排名哪家好seo优化网站排名战略seo网站seo案例济南热门关键词排名七天上线绥化seo宝鸡qq群关键词排名海南关键词优化排名软件怎样seo超级外链苏州相城区关键词优化排名SEO网络推广价格在哪里可以查关键词排名微店seoseo网络优化推广三门峡整站关键词排名优化价格seo 查询沧州任丘网站关键词排名seo如何操作淘宝seo图嘉义百度关键词排名河北提升关键词排名西风seo六安seoseo作用seo怎么挣钱seo搜索引擎优化论文seo软文推广国人seo濮阳seo谷歌浏览器seo插件济南seo优化外包seo altseo辉煌电商平台成都seo公司杭州seo外包公司闲鱼关键词排名工具视频号关键词搜索怎么排名的李春seo燕窝搜索人群关键词排名吕梁关键词排名作用拼多多关键词排名号但没订单seo优化排名推广普陀关键词排名报价寻乌关键词优化排名网站关键词到底怎么优化排名seo社区seo关键词优化公司关键词有排名无访客鹤壁新站关键词排名优化公司页面seo优化朋少seo关键词百度排名点击器seo全称山东怎么学关键词排名优化教程seo韩国某个关键词在百度上的排名博客排名关键词推广搜索关键词优化排名门锁 搜索关键词排名seo排名原理官网seo优化方案seo布局摄影关键词排名流程seo引擎优化是什么seo采集工具seo全套视频教程陕西网站关键词自然排名技巧亚马逊提升关键词的排名中山百度关键词seoseo优化费用百度关键词seo排名优化关键词怎么优化罒金手指排名临沂seo推广vivo刷关键词排名seo网站优化方案seo策划seo关键词快速排名流有多大西安seo培训江苏行业关键词排名推广方式影响关键词排名的外部因素陕西网站关键词排名优化石家庄seo网站优化网络关键词排名钒云速捷靠谱关键词排名排在多少才有流量最新seo教程网站seo优化河南关键词排名费用台州seo优化seo价格查询seo推广技术潜江产品关键词排名西安百度关键词自然排名价格seo服务器刷seo外贸网站seo优化seo书昆明神马关键词排名推广费用成都网站seo优化驭宝seoseo优化工具下载seo网站关键词北京seo学习南昌seo培训抖音怎么看关键词排名梅州百度网络推广关键词排名中山seo公司推广seo服务器西城SEO女性关键词排名


